Jagiellonian University
Pedagogical University of Cracow
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universität Leipzig


Speakers (in alphabetical order)
with proposed talks:

  speaker   title of the talk  
  Rüdiger Achilles On generalized Samuel multiplicities and reduction ideals  
  Pascal Adjamagbo From the Jacobian Conjecture to the foundation of Symplectic and Non Commutative Algebraic Geometries  
  Marcin Bilski Approximation of analytic sets by Nash tangents of higher order  
  Holger Brenner Continuous solutions to algebraic forcing equations  
  Szymon Brzostowski On non-characteristic approximate roots of polynomials  
  Sławomir Cynk Calabi-Yau manifolds in positive characteristic  
  Maciej Denkowski Regular separation with parameter  
  Ludwik M. Drużkowski Solution of the Jacobian Conjecture in the symmetric cubic linear case  
  Marcin Dumnicki "Reduction method" in multivariate polynomial interpolation  
  Janusz Gwoździewicz Plane curve branches after one toric resolution  
  Michael Hellus Local cohomology and Matlis duality  
  Piotr Jędrzejewicz Generators of rings of constants of derivations  
  Almar Kaid Syzygy Bundles on P2 and the Weak Lefschetz Property  
  Tadeusz Krasiński, Arkadiusz Płoski The Łojasiewicz exponent at infinity of polynomial maps  
  Martin Kreuzer On the uniformity of zero-dimensional complete intersections  
  Ernst Kunz Integral differentials and Fermat congruences  
  Andrzej Lenarcik Trees and plane curves singularities  
  Arkadiusz Płoski Newton Diagrams and Equivalence of Plane curve germes (joint work with E.Garcia Barroso and A.Lenarcik)  
  Sławomir Rams Defect for some hypersurfaces  
  Lorenzo Robbiano Oil fields, Ideals of Points, and Border Bases  
  Wioletta Syzdek Seshadri fibrations  
  Tomasz Szemberg Seshadri constants on surfaces of general type  
  Justyna Szpond Polynomial ideals in the ring of holomorphic functions