Geometry and Topology in Physical Models

International PhD Programme in Mathematics, Mathematical Physics and Computer Science

13. Holomorphic discs in higher dimensional complex analysis

Polish supervisor: Armen Edigarian
Cooperating partners: Ragnar Sigurdsson (University of Iceland, Reykjavik)
Jan Wiegerinck (University of Amsterdam)

In the beginning of 90s of 20th century Evgeny Poletsky in a series of papers proposed a method of constructing extremal plurisubharmonic functions via holomorphic discs. His main ideas are presented in a long paper "Holomorphic currents". In particular, Poletsky showed how to use holomorphic discs in the study of the following questions: the solution of the Dirichlet problem in the given domain, description of the polynomial hull of a given compact set, properties of the pluricomplex Green function and so on. These ideas were used later by Levenberg and Poletsky in the study of small sets (pluripolar, plurithin, etc).

In the middle of 90s of the last century, several people tried to complete and develop the ideas of Poletsky (Edigarian, Larusson, Sigurdsson, etc). In particular, Edigarian gave a complete (and simplified) proof of the description of the pluricomplex Green function. Larusson and Sigurdsson showed how to extend the results for a class of complex manifolds. Recently, Rosay gave a proof (which was later simplified by Edigarian and extended by Larusson and Sigurdsson) that the theory holds on any complex manifold.

At the same time, we also worked on applications of the theory. Edigarian and Wiegerinck at the end of 90s gave a counterexample to a problem posed by Levenberg, Martin and Poletsky regarding an extension property of holomorphic functions in the disc. This example turned out to be a starting point for many studies and results.

The main aim of the project will be to develop analogous theory in almost complex spaces, to deepen the understanding of the relations between Poletsky's theory and Gromov's theory on holomorphic curves. The student should develop new tools to obtain important results in geometry of almost complex manifolds and different type of hulls in complex analysis, which are the main interest of the project. Possible application of the obtained results to mathematical models of physics are a long term aim of the project.