Geometry and Topology in Physical Models

International PhD Programme in Mathematics, Mathematical Physics and Computer Science

16. Computer assisted proofs in dynamics of dissipative PDEs

Polish supervisor: Piotr Zgliczyński
Cooperating partners: Konstantin Mischaikow (Rutgers University)
Warwick Tucker (Uppsala University)

In the study of nonlinear PDEs there is a huge gap between what we can observe in the numerical simulations and what we can prove rigorously. One possibility to overcome this problem are the computer assisted proofs. In the project we will focus on dissipative PDEs, which includes Navier-Stokes eq, Ginzburg-Landau eq., reaction-diffusion eq. and many others. For this class of equations the nonrigorous numerical simulations clearly show that the dynamics is 'essentially' finite dimensional and it is quite natural to expect that a lot of topological and geometrical tools developed in the theory of dynamical system should be also applicable, after suitable modification, in the context of dissipative PDEs. The student is expected to work on
  • the theory - overcoming problem of the infinite dimension, required for application of tools from the finite-dimensional dynamics
  • the algorithms for rigorous numerics for dissipative PDEs,
which should result in computer assisted proofs of interesting dynamical phenomena for such systems as the Navier-Stokes eq. or the Ginzburg-Landau eq.

It should be stressed that the field is wide open, the number of rigorous results which go beyond the existence of the global attractor and bifurcations from some trivial solutions rather small.