Geometry and Topology in Physical Models

International PhD Programme in Mathematics, Mathematical Physics and Computer Science

5. The Monge-Ampère equation and the Kähler-Ricci flow

Polish supervisor: S³awomir Ko³odziej
Cooperating partners: Duong Phong (Columbia University)
Ahmed Zeriahi (Universitee Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)

One of the primary goals in Kähler geometry is to find canonical (constant curvature) metrics on a given Kähler manifold. Those objects play major role in modern physics. By solving the complex Monge-Ampeere equation on compact Kähler manifolds one can prove the existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics when the first Chern class is negative or zero (Aubin-Yau and Calabi-Yau theorems). Recently a lot of work is devoted to the study the existence and regularity of the solutions to the equation when the background metric is degenerate. One motivation comes from the Kähler-Ricci flow theory when the solution gives the potential of the limiting metric. This metric is a candidate for the canonical metric in the absence of truly Kähler-Einstein metrics. The similar equations occur when one considers Ricci-flat metrics in a family of Kähler classes which approach the boundary of the Kähler cone.

As for the tools used to study the Monge-Ampère equation on compact Kähler manifolds the starting point is (some version of) the Calabi-Yau theorem and its proof via the continuity method and the maximum principle for elliptic equations. An alternative method of finding the canonical metrics uses Kähler-Ricci flow, as it was first done by Cao. However, while dealing with possibly degenerate right hand side the methods of pluripotential theory, based on properties of positive currents and capacities, come in handy. In many recent papers on the subject those approaches are combined.

The main aim of the project is to address a number of questions concerning the existence and regularity of the Kähler-Ricci flow under various assumptions on the underlying manifold, initial metric and so on. Potentially, an important ingredient of such proofs would be an efficient way of approximation any given function plurisubharmonic with respect to a degenerate Kähler metric by smooth functions of the same type. Similar questions can be asked when instead of the limit of the Kähler-Ricci flow one considers the limit of Ricci-flat metrics when their Kähler classes degenerate.