Geometry and Topology in Physical Models

International PhD Programme in Mathematics, Mathematical Physics and Computer Science

12. Monge-Ampère equation on compact Kähler manifolds

Polish supervisor: Zbigniew B³ocki
Cooperating partners: Takeo Ohsawa (Nagoya University)
Duong Phong (Columbia University)
Ahmed Zeriahi (Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)

The proof of the Calabi conjecture by Yau in 1976 was a major breakthrough in mathematics which also had a lot of important applications in physics. It boiled down to solving nondegenerate complex Monge-Ampère equation on compact Kähler manifolds and had big impact in such areas of mathematics as algebraic geometry, partial differential equations, pluripotential theory. The subject is still very much alive today, for example related on one hand to Hamilton-Perelman's theory of Kähler-Ricci flow, and on the other to the Donaldson programme of existence of geodesics in the space of Kähler metrics and constant scalar curvature metrics.

The conjecture posed by Donaldson and many related questions seem to be a particularly promising area of research. It boils down to solving a degenerate homogeneous Monge-Ampère equation with specified boundary values in the context of compact Kähler manifolds, and so far only C1,1-regularity has been proved. There is also a series of open problems related to various a priori estimates for solutions of Monge-Ampère and more general Hessian equations. Another interesting link is with the theory of the Bergman kernel through a so called Tian-Yau-Zelditch approximation of Kähler metrics.