9th Conference on Geometry and Topology of Manifolds
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1KojunAbeOn the group structure of automorphism groups of G-manifolds with codimension one orbitKojun Abe
2BogdanBalcerzakChern-Simons forms and the modular class of a Lie algebroidBogdan Balcerzak
3EdwinBeggsNoncommutative complex structures, sheaf theory and characteristic classesEdwin Beggs
4AndrzejBisPartial variational principle for finitely generated groups of polynomial growth and some foliated spacesAndrzej Bis
5PaulBlagaOn the Hochschild homology of smooth superfunctionsPaul Blaga
6BeniaminoCappelletti MontanoFoliated almost 3-contact manifoldsBeniamino Cappelletti Montano
7Yuan-JenChiangTransversal wave maps from foliated Minkowski spaces into foliated Riemannian manifoldsYuan-Jen Chiang
8NicolaCiccoliGeometric quantization of Poisson homogeneous spacesNicola Ciccoli
9MichałCukrowskiOn the real homomorphisms in the category of differential spacesMichał Cukrowski
10StanislavDubrovskiyModuli space of general connectionsStanislav Dubrovskiy
11AlexanderErmolitskiDeformations of structures to geometric black hole of a compact manifoldAlexander Ermolitski
12RichardEscobalesFoliations by Minimal Submanifolds and Ricci Curvature Lorentz manifoldsRichard Escobales
13EwaFalkiewiczEuler class and Gysin sequence of the oriented sphere bundle on differential spacesEwa Falkiewicz
14Rui LojaFernandesStability of symplectic leavesRui Loja Fernandes
15JanuszGrabowskiGeometry of the Schrodinger operatorJanusz Grabowski
16ViatcheslavGrinesOn topological classification of Morse-Smale diffeomorphismsViatcheslav Grines
17Piotr M.HajacCompact principal bundles as Galois-type extensionsPiotr M. Hajac
18BogusławHajdukRigidity of symplectomorphisms and symplectic structures on toriBogusław Hajduk
19JohannesHuebschmannThe holomorphic Peter-Weyl theorem, Kirillovs character formula, and the Blattner-Kostant-Sternberg pairingJohannes Huebschmann
20SteveHurderDynamics and cohomology of foliationsSteve Hurder
21IrynaIurchukOn the pseudoharmonic functions defined on the D^2Iryna Iurchuk
22MałgorzataJózefowiczEhresmann connectionsMałgorzata Józefowicz
23IvanKolarLie algebroid approach to torsions on certain gauge-like prolongationsIvan Kolar
24AlexeiKotovCharacteristic classes of Q-bundlesAlexei Kotov
25Hong-VanLeYang-Mills bar connections over compact Kahler manifoldsHong-Van Le
26JacekLechCommutators of the $C^r$-diffeomorphism groups on a manifold with cornersJacek Lech
27HelgeMaakestadJet bundles on grassmannians and flag varietiesHelge Maakestad
28SergiyMaksymenkoFunctions with isolated singularities on surfacesSergiy Maksymenko
29IlonaMichalikOn the structure of factorizable groups of homeomorphismsIlona Michalik
30AlexnadrMishchenkoSignature of manifolds with proper action of discrete groupAlexnadr Mishchenko
31PiotrMultarzyńskiJackson integral and other q-antiderivativesPiotr Multarzyński
32IhorMykytyukHamiltonian reduction by stages and structure of co-adjoint orbitsIhor Mykytyuk
33MichelNguiffo BoyomLinearization of Lagrangian websMichel Nguiffo Boyom
34HirakuNozawaDeformation of Sasakian MetricsHiraku Nozawa
35OlgaPochinkaSelf-indexing Energy function for Morse-Smale diffeomorphismsOlga Pochinka
36PaulPopescuLagrange-Finsler Geometry and FoliationsPaul Popescu
37KrzysztofPutyraOn generalization of Khovanov link homologiesKrzysztof Putyra
38VladimirRovenskiVariational formulae for the total mean curvatures of codimension-one distributionsVladimir Rovenski
39MatatyahuRubinA reconstruction theorem for smooth foliated manifoldsMatatyahu Rubin
40TomaszRybickiOn the structure of classical diffeomorphism groupsTomasz Rybicki
41MarcosSalvaiGlobal smooth fibrations of R^3 by oriented linesMarcos Salvai
42GeorgySharyginTwisting cochains and local formulas for the characteristic classes of smooth principal bundlesGeorgy Sharygin
43DavidSzeghyOn infinitesimal orbit type theoremsDavid Szeghy
44PetroTadeyevVector field in n-dimensional spaces with connectionPetro Tadeyev
45GudlaugurThorbergssonSingular Riemannian foliations and isometric group actionsGudlaugur Thorbergsson
46WlodzimierzTulczyjewConservation without symmetryWlodzimierz Tulczyjew
47PawełUrbańskiLiouville structuresPaweł Urbański
48PawełWalczakCurrents - foliations - mean curvaturesPaweł Walczak

For young researchers we have planned the following mini-courses:

N. Ciccoli: The Poisson geometry of quantum groups
N. Teleman: Introduction to the index theorem